
Review after a concert

A good concert will give people a good feeling. A good concert not only makes people physical and mental pleasure, but also can cultivate sentiment. Today I will talk about one concert my watched . The performer is Yuri Bashmet . He is one of the famous performer in the world . He played a romantic period piece. The piece is writing for viola and orchestra. Composer is Weber .It was an exciting performance. People never forget it . The reason why this is an exciting performance is Bashmet not only have the perfect technique, but also he use his music conquer the audience. If a performer only to has the technique no music or only has music no technique are not successful. A good musician will put the technique and music together . I think Bashmet did this . I still clearly remeber At the beginning of this piece. He used a fullness sound that captures my heart .I like his sound . His sound has a charm , makes people easy to enter his music . He treat the music very cleverly . For example . He treat some easy notes very carefully . If change to the other one .I think he can not take care about very note . I think Bashmet treats very note seriously . So his music is perfect . Music can makes people comfortable . A good concert will wash your soul . At the end of this review I want to say is listen more and more music can makes life beautifully